My Story

I’m Nina Lopes, AKA ‘Frodayss’ to my followers. I’m a model, content creator, podcast host and former fashion designer. Mother to 13-year-old Ilani, and a Cancer Awareness Trust Ambassador.

Five years ago, it felt like my path was set, yet a diagnosis of triple-negative breast cancer in July 2018 at the age of only 36, put my life on a different course. 

Before I knew it, I underwent extensive chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy and by February 2019, was told the cancer had all but gone.

But in August 2021, after over a year of excruciating symptoms that were repeatedly ignored by health professionals, I was given a routine MRI scan which showed the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes, chest wall and sternum.

By then, I was 39 years old and diagnosed with stage 4 triple negative metastatic breast cancer and told my cancer was incurable. 

Today, I live every day to the fullest….. my cancer is a rare type, disproportionately occuring in women from ethnic backgrounds.